Post Yard Sale #2

I am sure the anticipation on my next post is rising. The post yard sale entry is always a fun one to write. I am happy to say we raised $1300! We could not have done it without all of those donations that kept appearing on our porch week after week! I am already looking forward to the next yard sale!! Seriously, I am!
On Thursday night I planned on going to bed by 9 so that I could be up at 4:30 am to begin setting up the yard. My Mr. was at work, but he planned on being home Friday morning, except they let him off on Thursday night and he got to help me pull a bunch of boxes to the porch so I wouldn't have to walk so far in the morning. Since he got to come home early, my plans changed and we ended up pulling boxes out of the garage until 10 and decided to finish in the morning. I woke up about every half hour through the entire night because I was so paranoid that I was going to miss the alarm clock, and there would be people on our yard wanting to know where all of our stuff was. So stressful... Then I began to dream that the weather changed from sunny and warm to rainy and cold..oh your mind can do horrible things to your head. 
At 5:00 my alarm woke me up from a very tired sleep and I jumped out of bed excited about not having to wake up anymore!!
We spent the next 6 hours completely getting the tables and stuff set up. 
There were so many people there. And only a handful of people, left without buying something.
We decided in the middle of the day that we were going to leave out everything and just put out donated sheets and curtains over the tables. 
Sheets over everything!
So much less work in the morning! The only time consuming part was drying everything off. The dew was very heavy so all of the sheets and curtains were soaked so they had to be thrown in the dryer. 
Mountains in the front yard
We sold every single piece of furniture that we were given and almost all of the craft stuff and the Christmas stuff. We really didn't have a lot left of anything.

BEFORE the Yard Sale

Stuff, Stuff, and more Stuff..

 AFTER the Yard Sale
Look! You can see a ceiling and walls!

Here is all that is remaining. A little corner of the garage. We moved almost everything! 
God is so good and so faithful. 
Today Good Will is coming to pick up this stuff. We know God is not going to stop bringing stuff to our doorstep, and it will be good to start off fresh. I am going to make a real effort to price everything as it comes in, and organize it all. I feel like I said that last time. You learn something new every time you do this, and every time you get better at it. 

We have a very important Adoption Update which we cannot share right this minute. We have to confirm a few things first, but we sincerely ask for your prayers as this is going to be a huge intersection in the journey. As soon as we know, we will share that information, but please keep us, and this journey in your prayers!
Have a great Tuesday!!

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