Steaks, Ice Cream and 3000 views..

Today Jordan came home!! The kids love when he comes home. They want nothing to do with me, so that actually works out well for me. I get a little alone time in my sewing room! yay! Right now I am revamping my entire store, and adding about 50 new items to my shop. I am really excited about it, but it is quite time consuming. I didn't realize the time till I had to start supper. We had steak, potatoes and asparagus. Tonight was the first time I have ever cooked asparagus in my life. To my knowledge anyways. I think Mom had some growing in the garden once..I think.. Well, I guess the asparagus must have turned out half decent because all of the kids devoured it and so did Jordan. I ate 1 piece to see if my opinion of asparagus had changed and inwardly cringed with the realization that I still don't like it. I ate 1 piece though, so I think I get a little credit there! When we were all sitting down and holding hands getting ready to pray, Elliyah asked me:
"Mom, why do you have a big mistake on your plate?" I was confused for a split second and Micaiah came up right behind her : "Elliyah it's not called mistake, its called steak."
 I love what the kids say. You just never know what is going to come out next. I actually just started writing in a scribbler all of the cute and hilarious and crazy things that the kids say.
So, we are pretty excited!! We have just hit the 3000 blog views on our blog! That's a pretty exciting milestone!! Thanks for keeping up with us, especially during the times we don't update every other day.
So, as Jordan mentioned in the previous post, we have been having some crazy stuff going on!!!
Glory be to God. He gives us the strength to get through every single thing that comes in our path! He is so worthy of praise and honor and all glory is due to Him. He is our Constant Faithful. Every battle that will be presented before us has already been won. I love Jesus so much!


  1. hee, hee... a big mistake! So cute!
    (and just so you know... asparagus is yucky to me too! euwwww! Impressed with your kids for liking it.)

  2. Love asparagus! Must have been passed down from their daddy. ;)
    And seriously with the big mistake...hahaha! If our family is any indication of what will happen with that, you'll be saying "We're having mistakes for dinner!" for the rest of your lives. Haha. Love it!
