The Spider,the Pigeon and the Dog...

Today we worked on filled out paperwork for a few more hours. I armed myself with white out a black fine point pen, marker, blue pen and a hot pink highlighter, hot pink post it notes, lined paper, paper clips, binder clips, manila folders,and lots of colorful scrap paper and got to work. I organized all of the paper work, numbered everything and decorated it all with pink sticky notes and added some bling in the form of paper clips. It looks so nice and organized now and I can actually almost hear myself think when I stare at the stack..yes it is becoming a stack..quickly. But, that means progress!
Last night my friend Amy came over with sewing machine in hand and Jordan shot out of the house and went to his friend's house. What a night for him to run out. It was as though the kids could sense that the car was backing up out of the driveway because not 2 minutes later, there was wailing and gnashing of the teeth upstairs. It was a "he did this and she did that" situation. I got the kids all settled down and cuddled up again. and went back down stairs. 20 minutes later there were piercing screams coming from upstairs, so I flew upstairs (its amazing how fast adrenaline kicks in when you throw panic into a situation) and opened the door. Gabe was standing over by Kai's bed and kept repeating there was a spider on his wall through sobbing and shaking. Poor guy. I don't like killing things unless they could kill me, and this spider was not that, but I killed him. It wasn't very nice of him to scare the bahookies out of Gabe. I tried to show him the spider was gone and I killed it, and then tried to lay him down but he was stiff as a board and started shaking and sobbing again, so I wrapped him up and cuddled him. Long story short, he ended up coming downstairs because the other two weren't getting any sleep that way. He finally passed out in my bed around midnight. Yep. He was watching Netflix on my phone the whole time and I was sewing in the kitchen with Amy. I wasn't very good company in the beginning of the night but by around 10 we were able to have a complete conversation without an interruption.
So while Amy made an entire dress for one of her many girls I made Gabe his pigeon blanket!
Amy is ridiculously crafty and if you haven't checked out her blog, do so. Its full of creativity, the adventures of homeschooling her 6 kids and every day life. Here is the link:
 The Little White School House .
 Gabriel loves the Pigeon books. His favorite book is "The Pigeon wants a Puppy". Inspired by his love of the book I thought it would be fun to make him a blanket and I found this fabric online. It was perfect. I only used the pigeon and traced the dog out of the book and cut up the fabric sewed it all together and voila, the softest and cutest dog ever!
 Here is a picture of the sleep deprived little man with his flashlight and new blanket!

I hope that tonight will be filled with sweet dreams now that Pigeon and Puppy are on his bed too.

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