But the LORD said to Samuel "Do not look at his appearance or his stature, because I have rejected him. Man does not see what the LORD sees, for man sees what is visible but the LORD sees the heart." ~1 Samuel 16:7
When God has a calling on your life, He is going to use you in such a magnificent way. The only way you are going to make it through your journey is to trust in the Lord, and let Him stretch your faith in Him. He is so powerful. When you are called to go through a journey, you are going to face adversity. There are going to be people who will question what you are doing and try and give you advise from a loving heart about the steps you should take, and by doing one thing this way and an other that way, then you will have all of the financial support you need, then God will start providing for you. This is not how God works. God wants to do the impossible in your life. The only way that will be possible is to let Him stretch your faith, so that when you make it through valleys that seems impossible to man who only sees things that are visible, you will rise up and declare that the Lord He IS God, and the only way that any of this was even possible was because God stretched your faith and did what only He can do, and He will get all the honor and the glory because of your faith in Him, and those who are witness to that circumstance will give God the praise and glory due to His great and merciful name.
Do not fear, you worm of Jacob, you men of Israel: I will help you- this is the LORD's declaration.Your Redeemer is the Holy One of Israel. See I will make you into a sharp threshing board, new with many teeth. You will thresh mountains and pulverize them and make hills into chaff. You will winnow them and a wind will carry them away, a gale will scatter them. But you will rejoice in the LORD; you will boast in the Holy One of Israel. ~ Isaiah 41:14-16
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