It's like Magic!

When we moved into our new house, we knew right away that the dining room was also going to be the school room as well. I wanted to have a dry erase board in there so that we could a board to write out math and spelling. The kids absolutely love drawing all over the board with the dry erase markers.
You know it was inevitable that one of these days, a permanent Sharpie instead of a dry erase marker would be used. Well, a few weeks ago, such a thing happened. You can't really blame a 3 year old, how is he going to know the difference between a permanent marker and a dry erase marker? 
In his mind:     A marker is a marker, is a marker. 

Not only was it a sharpie it was my magnum black sharpie that has a a chisel point that is 1/2 inch wide. I tried everything to get this off of my dry erase board. Nothing worked. Not even the Mr.Clean Magic eraser. So I left it. After a couple of weeks I decided to tackle this again. I went on Pintrest and set to work. I was determined to find a solution. Here is what solved all of my permanent marker problems.
Yes.... my Dry Erase Marker. 
Here is what I did.
I took my Dry Erase Marker and I colored over the picture that refused to leave my board. I made sure I had a dry erase marker that was not drying out and doodled over the doodles. I made sure the dry doodles were saturated which took a while. As I stood here doing this, I was trying to figure out what this was supposed to be. I couldn't come up with anything. Maybe I should ask my aspiring artist. :)
Then I simply wiped it off with a dry wash cloth. 
The result were so amazing I had to write a post about it and share it with all of you lovely people!

You may be asking how much our board cost us, since it is so huge.Another Pintrest solution. We bought a 3'X5' dry erase magnetic board from Office Max for $80 and brought it back the next day when we were looking on Pintrest for Home school Room setup ideas and found a DIY post on white boards. We simply went to Lowes and bought a 4'x8' tile board for $12, had them cut it in half and hung them up in one of the corners of the room. My lovely husband made some cute frames for them and voila, 2 Dry erase boards for under $30!!
I love Pintrest! 

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